Ep101 – Where Grading with Points Goes Wrong

Handouts are available below.


Big Idea

Those who support using points (as opposed to proficiency scales) to report student learning always seem to argue that using points is a more accurate. However, this isn’t completely true. Unfortunately, points may give a result, but may not offer clear guidance as to what went wrong or right.


Episode Notes

Here are a couple of big ideas from the video:

  1. Reporting on student learning is not just reporting what has been achieved – but also, what areas can student work on to improve. 

  2. Standards Based Grading tells a more complete story because – on a good rubric – students are told where their performance sits right now and how students can also see what they can do to get to the next level.



Handout(s): Ep101 Handouts – Where Grading with Points Goes Wrong

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Posted on September 10, 2024 in Videos

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I've been happily teaching high school science for over 13 years. This website serves as a way for me to reflect on my practice, give back to the science educators' community, help other science teachers who may need a place to start, and build a strong community of science learners and educators.
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