Ep1 – PolyMask for the PolyMath


Hello everyone, welcome to REAL Science Challenge, I’m Kent Lui, REAL Science teacher.

Today, we breakdown one cool science discovery behind masks you probably didn’t even know about and we tell you one action you can take going forward to make your world a better place.

Download our free worksheet for this episode from realsciencechallenge.com. It’s got all you need to follow along.

Let’s get going, this is REAL Science Challenge.


I wear a 3-layer cloth mask – like this one – every time I go out to slow the spread of Covid-19. Masks work by trapping small water droplets that are in our breath and released into the air every time we breathe, talk, yell, laugh. If someone is sick with Covid-19, these droplets may contain the virus. If others were to breathe in those infected droplets, they can get sick too.


The thing that makes me go hmmm… about cloth masks is that some work better than others. Scientists observed, for example, that 3-layer masks containing polypropylene work better than 3-layer masks of 100% cotton in trapping water droplets.


I want you to take a few minutes and come up with 2 explanations for this phenomenon: how do cotton masks containing polypropylene work better than pure cotton masks? Link your explanations to some of the science you already know. Discuss with your partner. But don’t do an internet search. I don’t want to know what Google is thinking – I want to know what you’re thinking. You can draw out and label your ideas under the Illustrate Your Science Section of our worksheet. Set your timers for 3 minutes. Pause the video. Then come back afterwards when time is up. Ready? Begin.


Welcome back! Now, the big reveal: how come cotton masks containing polypropylene work better than pure cotton masks?


It comes down to static charge. Static charge develops when different materials rub against each other. In a mask that has both polypropylene and cotton, the polypropylene develops a static charge as it rubs against the cotton layers. This static charge attracts and clings to water droplets. Masks of just cotton do not develop a static charge. Thus, they are less effective at trapping water droplets. A similar thing happens to your clothes in the dryer. Clothes of different materials rub against each other as they tumble, and they develop a static charge and cling to each other as a result. Consider how something so important – something with such a big impact – like helping to slow the spread of a virus is achieved with such a basic, everyday science concept. I think that’s pretty cool.


Making connections between new ideas and prior experiences helps strengthen what you learned. Consider the following: what does what you just learned about static charge and masks remind you of? What does it make you think about? Write out your ideas under “Connection Corner” of our worksheet and follow the prompts to get you started.


Let’s wrap up this up, people, with some direct messages from me to you to make this world a better place.


First, masks work, and we should wear one to help slow down the spread of Covid 19. Hospitals need to provide services to non-Covid illnesses- like patients who require heart surgery or cancer treatments. But, hospitals won’t if they are overwhelmed with treating Covid-19 patients. We need to help save the healthcare system for those who really need it and those who rely on the system. Do the right thing: wear a mask and help out those in your community who need access to important, life-saving medical treatment.


Second, change the world by geeking out. Do a deep dive into questions that may change the world. Who knows? Maybe you’ll develop something that will be more effective at slowing or stopping the spread of Covid-19. It all starts by asking a question. So, what makes you go hmmm about masks or about static charge? And, what do you want to study next? Follow the templates under Question Composition on our worksheet to help you started.


Thanks for watching REAL Science Challenge. We have more resources connected to this lesson for purchase on our website. Also, please subscribe to our channel by clicking the red button below.


Until next time, keep it REAL.



Download this episodes free worksheet by clicking the following: Ep1 – PolyMask for the PolyMath

Posted on February 9, 2021 in Videos

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I've been happily teaching high school science for over 13 years. This website serves as a way for me to reflect on my practice, give back to the science educators' community, help other science teachers who may need a place to start, and build a strong community of science learners and educators.
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