Our full collection of timely, relevant, and practical resources for the science classroom.

#2 – Why we use film canisters to teach scientific method (and why you should too)

What do we tend to focus on when we teach scientific method? Part of “doing” science is to come up with models that describe invisible phenomena. Bohr, Rutherford, and Thomson developed models of the atom. Watson and Crick developed the double-helix model of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). However, when we teach scientific method, we don’t always…

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#1 – How to Create a Buzz when Teaching Lab Safety (Hint: Coffee is involved)

Teaching lab safety is – how shall I say it – extremely boring to teach. Lab safety is also a buzzkill – a wet blanket extinguishing the excitement we want to build at the beginning of the year. We start the year telling students how engaging, active and relevant science is in their life. Then,…

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